Why Work with OYL?

The OYL team will help you grow, access and protect your retirement income in the most tax-advantaged methods possible.

  • A group of people are sitting around a table looking at a pie chart.

    Sands of Time

    Stark beauty of desolate dunes
  • A man wearing a wedding ring is clapping his hands.
  • A person is using a tablet and a laptop on a table.

    Beyond Boundaries

    Visual odyssey across continents
  • A person is holding a pen over a piece of paper.

    Nature's Symphony

    Breathtaking colors of our planet
  • We Help You Orchestrate Your Legacy

    Creating a financial legacy involves more than just amassing wealth; it's about how you manage, grow, and distribute your resources in a way that leaves a lasting impact.

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    A book titled orchestrate your legacy advanced tax & legacy planning strategies

    "Orchestrate Your Legacy"


    Orchestrate Your Legacy will show you how a fine-tuned team of professionals can give you the clarity to safeguard and control your assets now and into the future.

    Solutions with OYL may include:

    AbouT Orchestrate Your Legacy

    Tax-Free Retirement Income Solutions

    Tax-free retirement allows individuals to enjoy their post-work years without worrying about hefty tax burdens on their savings and investments, providing financial freedom and peace of mind in retirement.

    Creating Guaranteed Income for Life

    Guaranteed income for life offers individuals a secure financial foundation throughout retirement, ensuring a steady stream of income regardless of market fluctuations or longevity risks, providing peace of mind and stability in later years.

    Annuity Maximization

    Annuity maximization involves strategically leveraging annuities to optimize retirement income, balancing guaranteed lifetime payments with other investment vehicles to enhance financial security and flexibility in retirement planning.

    Estate Planning

    Estate planning is the process of arranging for the management and distribution of one's assets and affairs in a manner that reflects their wishes, minimizes taxes and expenses, and ensures the smooth transfer of wealth to chosen beneficiaries, thereby leaving a lasting legacy and providing peace of mind for oneself and loved ones.

    Life Insurance

    Life insurance provides financial protection to loved ones in the event of the policyholder's death, offering a tax-free lump sum payment that can help cover expenses such as funeral costs, mortgage payments, debts, and ongoing living expenses, thereby ensuring financial security and peace of mind for beneficiaries during a difficult time.

    Annuity Refinancing

    Living benefits refer to life insurance policies that allow policyholders to access a portion of their death benefit while still alive in the event of qualifying circumstances such as terminal illness, chronic illness, or critical illness, providing financial support to cover medical expenses, long-term care costs, or other needs.

    Key Questions to Ask Yourself about Retirement

    • Are you familiar with alternative retirement saving options beyond traditional plans like a 401(k), IRA, or deferred compensation plan?

      If not, you should explore various retirement saving avenues beyond conventional plans like a 401(k), IRA, or deferred compensation plan to diversify your portfolio and maximize tax advantages.

    • Have you allocated at least 25% of your retirement funds into tax-free accounts?

      If not, you should consider reevaluating your retirement portfolio to ensure at least 25% of your funds are invested in tax-free accounts for enhanced tax efficiency and flexibility.

    • Is your retirement portfolio shielded against potential financial impacts from long-term care needs?

      If not, you should explore strategies to safeguard your retirement savings from potential financial strains caused by long-term care needs, such as insurance or dedicated savings vehicles.

    • As retirement draws near, do you have strategies in place to mitigate risks posed by market volatility?

      If not, you should implement strategies to shield your retirement assets from market fluctuations as you approach retirement to preserve wealth and maintain financial stability.

    • Are you confident that your retirement income will last throughout your lifetime?

      If not, you should review and adjust your retirement plan to ensure a sustainable income stream throughout your retirement years, minimizing the risk of outliving your savings.

    • Do you possess penalty-free avenues to access retirement funds prior to reaching age 59 1/2?

      If not, you should explore penalty-free options for accessing retirement funds before reaching age 59 1/2 to accommodate unforeseen financial needs or early retirement plans without incurring penalties.

    For Answers to these Questions.

    Getting advice begins with a simple conversation.

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